Anne Armstrong, is a mother, middle school teacher and a published children's author from Nashville, Tennessee. Inspired by a statistic that revealed to her how little...
When Love Brings an Awakening (with Dee Worley)
Dee Worley known in the world of sports as Dee Foster, USA and NCAA national and International Gymnastics champion. Today, Dee is a sought-after global branding...
From Video Games to Foodscapes (with Jeremy Lekich)
Jeremy Lekich is a landscape and foodscape designer and the owner of Nashville Foodscapes. He turns lawns into bountiful living spaces that please both the eyes and the...
Novels that Expand Your Mind (with Chris Katsaropoulous)
Critically acclaimed author Chris Katsaropoulos has written more than dozen books including Antiphony and Entrevoir. He worked as an editor at several major publishing...
When Your Hairstylist Gives You More Than Pretty Curls
Steve Reiner is a hair designer and a passionate biker who has built and rebuilt his life several times looking for happiness. Despite success and fun he enjoyed, Steve...