Season 1 – Episode 8 explores how what we eat affects our lives. My guest is Linda Baier, a health and wellness coach who transcended her own challenges and turned them into an opportunity to help others.
Many people ask me what I eat (or not eat) before I sing.
It’s a common question, since a singer’s instrument is located in the path of our digestive system. (not very appetizing or glamorous, but it’s the way it is!)
But in a way, it’s like asking a violin player if they would scale a fish and finger pick some french fries right before they play their Stradivari. Oh, and they only have their shirt to wipe their fingers off. (I’m sure there are plenty fiddlers in Irish pubs all over the world who play with greasy fish-and-chips fingers, but that’s beside my point)
And yes, as it is, us singers, have developed all sorts of diets and regiments we follow to keep our instrument clean and healthy.
But here is what I think is a much more important question to ask (and not just singers, but everyone).
What do we eat before we do anything?
What foods make us feel great, and what foods make us tired and even cause us pain? Do we even know?
(Read more on my blog here)

This is my first episode with a guest!
Linda Baier is a health and wellness coach and founder of “Isaiah’s Way Nutrition”. Her personal story will move and inspire you just as it inspired and helped me.
I encourage you to find out more about her work and sign up for the “Whole Food Detox” next time she runs it. Go to:
Or get a FREE 30-min Phone Health Strategy Consultation at:

Wardrobe by The Secret Ingredient:
WEB SUPPORT: (Julie A. Metzger)
English and Japanese Subtitles: Lola Carvajal
Croatian Subtitles: Marijeta Matijas, Inspiracija
Please leave us a comment: what is your favorite ‘food song’?
How about foods that you found healing?
How can we help YOU to transition from eating processed foods to enjoying the amazing whole foods?
And as always, please share “Tuesdays with Tajci” with someone who might need to be uplifted and reminded that we are NOT alone 🙂
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