How can "No Complaints Day Challenge" be used as a waking up moment and shift our lives for better? Find out from life coach, musician and founder of the challenge Joe Kirin.

How can “No Complaints Day Challenge” be used as a waking up moment and shift our lives for better? Find out from life coach, musician and founder Joe Kirin.

Season 2 – EP 3
Click here for Full Transcript

What would it be like if for one day you just didn’t complain? If complaining wasn’t an option? What would you do?


Here is the top result that comes up when you Google “complaining definition”:
Com-plain: verb/ gerund or present participle: complaining/
– express dissatisfaction or annoyance about a state of affairs or an event.
– synonyms: protest, grumble, whine, bleat, carp, cavil, grouse, make a fuss; object, speak out, criticize, find fault; raise a stink."No Complaints Challenge" - Joe Kirin on Waking Up In America Quote1

When I read it and reflected on it, in prep for this episode, I decided I’d never succumb to this whining, grumbling, bleating, fuss making, stink raising, fault finding source of bad energy again.

I’m giving up complaining that only clutters our world and creates more stress and unhappiness. Like when I yell into my phone irritated at the poor customer support script-reading souls who must be masters at staying completely disconnected because a) they know they can’t really do anything about my complaint, and b) they know that even if their company could do something about my complaint, they just won’t.

From now on, and inspired by Joe King, I’m giving up all useless complaining directed to wrong people.

The only complaining I’ll do will look like this: sitting calmly at my desk and writing a beautiful, eloquent letter backed with great, verified data on the subject of my complaining, addressed to the exact person who will gratefully consider it, make necessary changes and spare other people to have to complain about the same thing, thus making this world a better place.

I’ll let you know if THAT ever happens 🙂

JOE is a great guy who sings really nice too and plays the tamburica – an original Croatian instrument that sounds like mandolin 🙂 I joined him in singing, and really enjoyed it! (song starts at 19:02)

Link to Joe’s “No Complaints Day Challenge”


"No Complaints Challenge" - Joe Kirin on Waking Up In America Quote1"No Complaints Challenge" - Joe Kirin on Waking Up In America Quote2 "No Complaints Challenge" - Joe Kirin on Waking Up In America Quote3 "No Complaints Challenge" - Joe Kirin on Waking Up In America Quote4


“Da te mogu pismom zvati”
by Ivica Badurina
Original recording by Klapa Maslina is available on iTunes

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